Now showing items 1-10 of 773
Egy új típusú szarvasmarha-adenovírus részleges genetikai jellemzése
Németországban, 1970-ben Kretzschmar izolált egy szerológiailag új szarvasmarha−adenovírust enzootiás tüdőgyulladásban szenvedő borjakból. Az új törzset (V87/70) gyenge replikációs képessége (csak primer borjú-here ...
Pathological and epidemiological investigation on agents incriminated the poult enteritis and mortality syndrome of turkeys in Hungarian Farms
Poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) is a multifactorial disease, the most severe form of enteric disease occuring in young turkeys and causing substantial economic problems worldwide in the poultry industry. It ...
Hazai macskák Otodectes cynotis fertőzöttségének vizsgálata
The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of the ear mite, O. cynotis, in domestic cats hold in different parts of the country. Deep ear swab samples were taken from each ear for microscopic examination in ...
Contrast radiographic evaluation of morphological variability of the canine male urethra
Positive contrast retrograde urethrography is a widespread technique used in clinics due to its providence of information on morphological features such as size, shape and position of the urethra as well as its luminal ...
Lameness in dairy cows in freestall barns with automatic milking systems
Five farms in Norway were surveyed for lameness under the assumption that the levels of lameness would be high due to changing of keeping conditions and milking system. The levels were found to be around 70% in the stables ...
The Emergence and Spread of Schmallenberg Virus in Europe
The recent outbreak of SBV across Europe is a reminder that new diseases continue to
threaten our livestock. Factors such as worldwide exports could have contributed to the
emergence of new viruses in Europe, such as ...
Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis and its occurence, diagnosis, treatment and prevention in Sri Lanka
Ehrlichia canis is an obligate, intracellular organism and besides the other ehrlichial
pathogens, it is the primary causative agent, which is involved in causing Canine Monocytic
Ehrlichiosis (CME).
CME is a multisystemic, ...
E. coli O104:H4 Serotype Outbreak in Germany in 2011
From the first of May until the 25th of July of 2011 at 10 a.m. 852 cases of HUS, 3469 EHEC
cases including 426 asymptomatic EHEC infections were reported to the RKI. 32 HUS
patients and 18 persons infected with EHEC ...