Browsing Állatorvostudományi Egyetem / University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest by Title
Now showing items 245-264 of 912
Estrus synchronization in cattle
(2014)The purpose of estrus synchronization is to manipulate the bovine estrus cycle and achieve a result were the majority of animals on a farm exhibits standing heat in a short period of time. It is a very effective method to ... -
Eugenolt és cinnamaldehidet tartalmazó növényi kivonat hatása tejelő tehenek bendőfermentációjára, és anyagforgalmi paramétereire - előzetes eredmények
(2010)A dolgozat által feldolgozott kísérlet célja egy szájon át adagolt eugenolt és cinnamladehidet tartalmazó növényi kivonat hatásának vizsgálata volt nagy termelésű tejelő tehenek bendőfermentációjára, és egyes anyagforgalmi ... -
Európában őshonos pisztrángfélék spermájának mélyhűtése és a mélyhűtött sperma felhasználása fajmegőrzési célokra
(2012)Kutatásunk során a nagy gazdasági jelentőséggel bíró sebes pisztráng (Salmo trutta fario), valamint a Szlovéniában endemikus, mára már csak kevés fajtiszta populációval rendelkező márványpisztráng (Salmo marmoratus) ... -
Evaluating captive tigers' dietary nutrient supply
(2014)Although the cat remains the best model to use for feeding captive tigers, the standard values given by the different associations regarding the nutrient requirements for cats cannot be used directly for tigers kept in ... -
Evaluation of COX-2 Expression in Canine Mammary Tumors and Its Relation to NSAID Therapy
(2013)Canine mammary neoplasia is considered as an excellent naturally occurring animal tumor model for human breast cancer. Nearly half or more of the canine mammary neoplasms are malignant, overexpress COX-2 and show poor ... -
Evaluation of Polycheck test results used for causal allergen determination in canine atopic dermatitis
(2011)Seventy-five dogs with a clinical diagnosis of canine atopic dermatitis were examined by serological allergy tests. The tests used in this study have been available in Hungary for the last two years only, and this study ... -
An evaluation of the eradication program on footrot in sheep in Norway and its welfare aspect
(2014)Footrot was detected in Norway for the first time since 1948 in 2008. The same year an eradication program was started, and this program is extended to last out 2014. In the period from 2008 to 2014 virulent footrot has ... -
Evaluation of the height at withers based on the mares recorded in the mixed stud-books of Mezőhegyes during the 19th century
(2009)Through this diploma work we characterized the height at withers of the mares (n=641) of Mezőhegyes stud farm by breed. The mares under investigation were born between 1803 and 1867. Further on, we compared them using the ... -
An evaluation of traditional, novel and prospective cow-side tests in an approach to mastitits diagnosis
(2012)Effective cow-side tests that can be used by farmers and veterinarians, have the potential to stop the propagation of mastitis in a herd. An evaluation of conventional, novel and prospective cow-side tests was reviewed ... -
Evolúciósan konzervált egyedi bázikus mintázat a dystrophin fehérje rúd doménjében
(2010)A dystrophin és az utrophin fehérjék az izomszövet sejtjeinek stabilizálásában résztvevő két fontos komponens. Jelentőségük orvosi szempontból nem elhanyagolható, a dystrophin hiánya okozta Duchenne-féle Izomdisztrófia ... -
Examination and measurements of the canine lens with B-mode ultrasound
(2014)This article is enlightening questions about correlations between the diameter of the lens, the axial global length and the body size of dogs. Larger dogs have larger anatomically structures than smaller dogs, and the ... -
Examination of different blood parameters in Testudo marginata after the hibernation
(2015)During this experiment the author hoped to find a trend in some haematological parameters before and after hibernation in Testudo marginata species which would give some indication on the sex of the animal. Using external ... -
Examination of internal pathogens in the background of mesenteric lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly in a ferret collection
(2011)The collection of ferrets in this study was chosen because they have a history of recurring gastrointestinal disease. The aim of this study was to find the background of the recurring gastrointestinal disease and a possible ... -
Examination of the background and the effect of clinical mastitis cases in a large producing dairy herd
(2012)The objective of this study was to investigate the herd management practices associated with a sudden outbreak of clinical mastitis in a dairy herd in Eastern Hungary, to analyse the milk on a pathogenic profile and to ... -
Examination of tyrosine kinase mRNA expression in various canine neoplasms
(2013-07-05)In the present work we described different RTKs, including the identification and description of their structure, function, and presence and expression dependence on the type of a particular cancer. For this study five ... -
Exploring genetic variation in disease resistance among cattle herds with reference to bovine mastitis and bovine tuberculosis : a literary review
(2014)It is clear that we are just at the beginning of understanding the contribution of genetics and genomics to disease in cattle. Despite many difficulties that lay ahead, identification of the genes and mutations responsible ... -
Életképesség-vizsgálat a Magyar Királyi Állatorvosi Főiskola növénygyűjteményéből származó magokon
(2013-12-11)Due to the increasing human effect, more and more species are getting close to extinction. The disappearance of a species can lead to the extinction of other ones and degradation of the habitat as these biotopes are quite ... -
Életre szóló tapasztalat
(2010) -
Az élettani echocardiográfiás paraméterek meghatározása egészséges puli kutyapopulációban
(2010)The aim of this study was to establish normal reference echocardiographic values for the Hungarian Puli canine breed, and to determine the effect of body weight, age and gender on cardiac parameters by using M-mode and ...