Browsing Állatorvostudományi Egyetem / University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest by Title
Now showing items 734-753 of 912
Pathological and epidemiological investigation on agents incriminated the poult enteritis and mortality syndrome of turkeys in Hungarian Farms
(2011)Poult enteritis and mortality syndrome (PEMS) is a multifactorial disease, the most severe form of enteric disease occuring in young turkeys and causing substantial economic problems worldwide in the poultry industry. It ... -
Pathological Characteristics of Canine Lipoma
(2013)The thesis introduces a classification system for canine lipoma, which has not been introduced in veterinary pathology, yet. As there are currently limited/ no literature concerning canine lipoma classification, literature ... -
Pathological importance of Mannheimia haemolytica in ruminants: Literature review
(2010)The aim of this work was to summarise the characteristics of the bacterium M. haemolytica, and the pathogenesis, pathology, prevention and control of diseases caused by it with respect to the bovine, ovine and caprine ... -
A patológia és az igazságügyi állatorvostan fejlődése, kapcsolata és jelentősége napjainkban
(2014)Az igazságügyi állatorvostani munkát szakdolgozatomban 3 eset alapján ismertettem, amelyek közül kettő büntető eljárás, egy pedig polgári peres eljárás beszámítása alá esett. A bemutatott esetek mindegyike hordoz érdekességet ... -
The PennHIP method for the detection of canine hip dysplasia and its acceptance among practitioners
(2015)This thesis is based on Canine Hip Dysplasia and the usefulness of the PennHIP method for practitioners in its diagnosis, especially in the early stages of a dog’s life. It is a review of current papers on both CHD and ... -
Performing pig consultancy in a Norvegian farm
(2010)By careful observation and explanation of the pig farm itself, in addition to studying the performance data of the farm in question, several important points regarding the effi-ciency and profitability of the pig production ... -
Pollinátorok és a beporzás hatékonysága eltérő lineáris tájelemek mentén
(2011)A pollináció (beporzás) alapvető ökoszisztéma szolgáltatás. A mai zárvatermő növényeink 65%-a rovarbeporzású. Rovarfajaink 20%-a (legalább egy bizonyos életszakaszában) kizárólag a virágok biztosította nektárral és pollennel ... -
Poor performance secondary to airway obstruction in horses
(2015)Upper respiratory tract (URT) obstructions are a common cause of poor performance in both racehorses and sport horses. The URT experiences changes in pressure throughout the different phases of respiration. During inspiration, ... -
Populationsanalyse vom Afghanischen Windhund
(2012)Die Aufgabe dieser Arbeit bestand darin, anhand von relevanten Informationen eine Population des Afghanischen Windhundes zu beschreiben. Für die Studie stand eine Datenbank zur Verfügung, die Daten von mehr als 190.000 ... -
Populationsgenetische Untersuchung der Milchleistung einer serbischen Milchviehpopulation und ihr mögliches Entwicklungspotenzial
(2015)The aim of this study was to investigate the phenotypic and genotypic evolution of the milk production of a Serbian Holstein Friesian population, also in the aspect of possible future tendencies. The study is based on ... -
Possible economic effects of crossbreeding of Norwegian Red and Holstein-Friesian
(2012)This analysis exclusively evaluates the production profit and the expenses that come together with the production. Having a Holstein cow will lead to a total average yearly loss of € 396.57 compared to a NRF cow. If you ... -
The possible inductions of embryonic diapause with hydrogen-sulfide
(2012)Recently hydrogen-sulfide has garnered much attention from the scientific community for its potential applications in human medicine. It has been discovered that H2S is able to induce a reversible state of hibernation ... -
Poszméh együttesek összehasonlító vizsgálata a cserépfalusi fás legelő különböző növényborítású területein
(2011)A megporzás az egyik alapvető ökoszisztéma szolgáltatás, az európai növényfajok több mint 80%-nak megporzása állati pollinátoroktól függ. A poszméhek (Bombus ) az északi mérsékelt övben, így Európában is nagyon fontos ... -
Potential human health risks associated with consumption of genetically modified agricultural products
(2014)Genetically modified agricultural products have an ever growing presence in the world and many consumers remain unconvinced of its safety. The European Union has taken extensive steps to legally control its use and ... -
Pre-ovulatory follicle stasis in the veiled chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus Duméril et Duméril, 1851
(2012)In captivity, female veiled chameleons frequently suffer from a common disorder in reptile obstetrics: pre-ovulatory follicle stasis (POFS). During this, vitellogenic follicles do not undergo ovulation and accumulate in ... -
Prevalence of CANV infections of bearded dragon populations in Hungary : A review and own research study
(2014)Although the CANV infection of reptiles is known for more than two decades, the disease is still not completely understood and requires further research. For a better understanding of the way of infection and adequate ... -
Prevalence of Haemoproteus, and their Vectors, in the Dove population of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
(2014)Research on Haemoparasites and their prevalence in the dove population of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been very limited to date. This study was xonducted to determine the prevalence of haemoproteids in two resident ...