Now showing items 1-10 of 10
A szubklinikai ketózis előfordulsásának vizsgálata hazai tehenészetekben
Tejelő szarvasmarha állományokban az ellést követő időszak, a laktáció első heteiben a tejtermelés és annak energiaszükséglete gyorsabban emelkedik, mint az állat szárazanyag felvevőképessége. Az ellés körüli időszak ...
Effect of keeping system on fertility and milk production in small dairy farms (<100 cows) in Switzerland and a large scale dairy farm (>500 cows) in Hungary
Due to the higher milk yield and thus shorter estrus and lower fertility, the heat of the Hungarian Holstein cow is more difficult to detect and needs a higher amount of AI/ pregnancy as the Swiss dairy cows. Contributing ...
Intrauterine pressure changes in the post partum Caesarean section cow
The primary goal of this report was to select and determine a suitable on farm method for future measurements and recordings of intrauterine pressure in Caesarean section Holstein- Friesian cows postpartum, something that ...
An assessment of the heifer- rearing system and its consequences on a Hungarian Holstein-Friesian dairy farm
The calf management on the farm is generally of a good standard. There are proper management systems in place with regard to both nutrition and housing of the calves and heifers. Considering feet, leg disease and injury, ...
Changes of acid-base and certain metabolic parameters of newborn calves and their dams after calving
Parturition and the periparturient period are stressful on both the dam and the calf. These changes in acid-base status and metabolic parameters can predispose the dam and the calf to disease and may even lead to death. ...
The occurrence of congenital intestinal atresia in the East of Ireland
The main objective for conducting this survey was to find out if congenital atresia is more prevalent than presumed. The findings coincided with previous studies based on this subject.
In a questionnaire based cross ...
Control of acid-base balance of newborn calves in a large Holstein-Friesian dairy farm
In summary, data was collected on 157 newborn calves and their dams (79 calves in 2006 and 78 in 2007) and the Temp, pH, pCO2, pO2, HCO3, ABE, Anion gap, SAT Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl-, Hb, Hct were determined. This data was ...
Detection of calving in dairy cows
The aim of this study was to examine the electrolyte concentrations and its changes of the precolostrum milk in order to determine the exact timing of the impending parturition. Data was collected from the precolostrum ...
Korai postpartumban végzett különböző prosztaglandinkezelések hatása tejelő tehenek involúciós folyamatainak alakulására
Vizsgálataink során, arra kerestük a választ, hogy van-e alapja a korai postpartum időszakban a tejelő tehenek involúciós folyamatainak kedvező befolyásolása céljából alkalmazott egyszeri prosztaglandin-kezelésnek. A ...