Now showing items 1-3 of 3
A lovak agy-gerincvelő folyadékának mintavétele, elemzése és annak egyes paramétereire vonatkozó saját referenciatartomány meghatározása
We know a lot of neurogical diseases in horses so the difference diagnosis is very difficult in some cases. To sampling and analyze the cerebrospinal fluid is a general part of the neurogical diagnoses. We can get information ...
Endocrine and pregnancy protein changes during periparturient period with correlation of stillbirth in dairy cow
Over the last fifty years a decline in fertility in high yielding Holstein dairy cattle is observed
as well as a steady incline of the stillbirth rates during the last years is detectable, especially in
Holstein-Friesian ...
Endocrine and pregnancy protein changes during periparturient period with correlation of stillbirth in dairy cow
Over the last fifty years a decline in fertility in high yielding Holstein dairy cattle is observed
as well as a steady incline of the stillbirth rates during the last years is detectable, especially in
Holstein-Friesian ...