Now showing items 1-7 of 7
A szubklinikai ketózis előfordulsásának vizsgálata hazai tehenészetekben
Tejelő szarvasmarha állományokban az ellést követő időszak, a laktáció első heteiben a tejtermelés és annak energiaszükséglete gyorsabban emelkedik, mint az állat szárazanyag felvevőképessége. Az ellés körüli időszak ...
The possible inductions of embryonic diapause with hydrogen-sulfide
Recently hydrogen-sulfide has garnered much attention from the scientific
community for its potential applications in human medicine. It has been discovered
that H2S is able to induce a reversible state of hibernation ...
The correlation of weather changes with the incidence of colic in horses
Reasons for performing the study: The connection between colics and weather is not proven
yet and not much studies exist so far. To know about the responsibility of weather in this
matter would help horse owners and ...
Equine laminitis
Although equine laminitis has apparently been known for more than 2000 years (Heymering, 2010), the disease is still not completely understood and requires further research. Numerous
treatment strategies are applied, but ...
A comparison of forced oscillatory measurements to bronchoalveolar lavage
Based on the results, it can be said that all horses had some type of lower airway disorder, basically RAO or IAD.
All the results which were taken into account from the FOM clearly showed that there were no obstructions ...
A bódítás hatása az orális glükóz abszorpciós tesztre
Kísérletünkben a malabszorpció diagnosztizálására alkalmas glükóz abszorpciós tesztet vizsgáltuk istállói körülmények között, kiegészítve azzal, hogy a bódításhoz alkalmazott xylazin befolyásolja-e a glükóz bélből történő ...
The occurrence of congenital intestinal atresia in the East of Ireland
The main objective for conducting this survey was to find out if congenital atresia is more prevalent than presumed. The findings coincided with previous studies based on this subject.
In a questionnaire based cross ...