Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Uroperitoneum in foals
Uroperitoneum in foals is the accumulation of urine in the abdominal cavity, most frequently as a consequence of urinary bladder rupture or a patent urachus. The aetiology is not fully known, but it is considered a result ...
An assessment of the heifer- rearing system and its consequences on a Hungarian Holstein-Friesian dairy farm
The calf management on the farm is generally of a good standard. There are proper management systems in place with regard to both nutrition and housing of the calves and heifers. Considering feet, leg disease and injury, ...
Changes of acid-base and certain metabolic parameters of newborn calves and their dams after calving
Parturition and the periparturient period are stressful on both the dam and the calf. These changes in acid-base status and metabolic parameters can predispose the dam and the calf to disease and may even lead to death. ...
A fejlődő nyírcsont MRI vizsgálata normál, illetve valgus és varus állású újszölött csikókban a születést követő 52. napig
Más szerzők eredményeihez hasonlóan a jelen tanulmányból is kiderül, hogy a folyadékterek vizsgálatára a T2 súlyozott szekvenciák kiválóan alkalmasak. Csikók esetében azonban bebizonyosodott, hogy a növekedési zónák és az ...
Control of acid-base balance of newborn calves in a large Holstein-Friesian dairy farm
In summary, data was collected on 157 newborn calves and their dams (79 calves in 2006 and 78 in 2007) and the Temp, pH, pCO2, pO2, HCO3, ABE, Anion gap, SAT Na+, K+, Ca++, Cl-, Hb, Hct were determined. This data was ...