Now showing items 1-6 of 6
The Implications of the Horse Meat Scandal 2013 from a Predominantly Irish Perspective
The horse meat scandal emerged as one of the most shocking revelations regarding the agri-food industry in 2013. Initially thought of as just an Irish problem, it soon became clear that the issue was much more widespread ...
Laboratóriumok közötti mikrobiológiai jártassági vizsgálatok összehasonlító értékelése
Vizsgálatunk folyamán az elmúlt három év (2007-2009) jártassági vizsgálatainak eredményeit hasonlítottuk össze egymással, illetve az élelmiszerek mikrobiológiai minőség-ellenőrzésében alkalmazott vizsgálati módszerek mérési ...
Dioxin as a hazard in food - the current situation in Germany and contamination incident of food and feedstuff 2010/2011
Dioxins are a frequent source of contamination of food and feedstuff. Although these substances are not produced purposely anymore (as they were in case of PCBs) there is still a degree of contamination present in the ...
A besugárzásos élelmiszertartósítás szabályozása az EU-ban és az USA-ban
Food irradiation is a treatment of food by controlled amounts of ionizing radiation for a specific time to achieve certain desirable objectives. The process cannot increase the normal radioactivity level of the food, ...
Potential human health risks associated with consumption of genetically modified agricultural products
Genetically modified agricultural products have an ever growing presence in the world and many consumers remain unconvinced of its safety. The European Union has taken extensive steps to legally control its use and ...