Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Legal and ethical aspects of euthanasia of animals in Germany
Euthanasia is defined as a “good death” with minimal pain and distress evaluated from the perspective on the animal.
Performed due to various reasons and in different situations, the contradiction between “preservation ...
Comparison of the animal welfare legislation regarding farm animals between Norway and the EU with special regards to cattle
Animal welfare legislation has been developed after the acceptance that animals are sentient beings and therefore should be treated according to this. All of the legislation today regarding animal welfare originates from ...
Állatvédelmi őrszolgálatok és Állatvédőrség Magyarországon
Az állatvédelem tekintetében hazánk jogi és közigazgatási szinten is a fejlődőországok
közé sorolható. Az uniós csatlakozásunkat megelőzően az 1998. évi XXVIII. törvényt az
állatok védelméről és kíméletéről az Országgyűlés ...
A short history of animal welfare with special regard to farm animal welfare in Denmark, Sweden and Norway
Animal welfare was defined by Broom in 1986 and its use is widespread in science today, a
scientific definition was important so that animal welfare could be said to be poor or good and to measure it in a scientific way. ...
The legal controls on commercial dog breeding and its effects on puppy farming
The objective of this thesis was to find out more about puppy farming and how it is
regulated. This study has shown me the far reaching effects that these farms have on the animals that come from them and the importance ...