Browsing PhD Dissertations by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 233
Application of the polymerase chain reaction in the Hungarian veterinary diagnostics
(1998)The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been widely used in basic research and in diagnostics as well since its invention. Based on its unique sensitivity, specificity and speed the routine diagnostic application of the ... -
The dynamics of astroglial cytoskeleton and effects of gonadal steroids
(2000)The cellular units of the central nervous system are the nerve cells (neurons) and the glia cells (neuroglia) – called summarizingly neural cells. Unlike nerve cells, glia undergo shape alterations, regression or hypertrophy, ... -
Computer-assisted analysis of the developing brain motor system and coordinated locomotion in the foal
(2001)The purpose of the present study was to correlate the structural maturation of the horse brain with the developement of coordinated locomotion of the animal. A newly emerging method of gait analysis is being based on ... -
A baromfipestis vírus molekuláris járványtana
(2002)1. Az F gén RE-vágáshely eloszlásának és egyik variábilis régiójának (a 47-435 nukleotida közötti szakasz) szekvenálását követő filogenetikai analízisével az NDV törzseket nyolc (I-VIII-jelű) genotípusba, ezeken belül ... -
Comparative studies on pulse and continuous oral norfloxacin treatment in broilers and turkeys
(2002)Norfloxacin is a third generation fluoroquinolone that was first introduced for treating urinary tract infections in humans. Later it became popular in the veterinary medicine as well and so it was approved for use in ... -
New data to the pathophysiology, clinics and therapy of bovine mastitis
(2002)In Chapter 1 metabolic and endocrine aspects of bovine mastitis in early weeks of lactation are discussed. After reviewing the endocrine and reproductive consequences of certain endotoxin-mediated diseases, the results of ... -
Occurrence of the honey bee viruses in Hungary, investigations of the molecular structure of certain viruses
(2002)Viruses of the honey bee (Apis mellifera Linneaus) have been known for a long time. However, recently the attention of researchers and beekeepers has turned towards the relationship between these viruses and the parasitic ... -
Development of sensitive immundiagnostics for determination of toxic residues (mycotoxins, drugs) in biological fluids and animal feeds
(2002)Recent high publicity of the greatest food – scandals in some European countries (e.g. BSE, dioxin, mycotoxicosis, heavy metal contaminants, illegal hormone treatment or drug residues in meat) underline the importance of ... -
The Stress Related Neuroendocrine and Metabolic Effects of Alpha-2 Adrenergic Agents and Their Combinations with Injectable Analgesics in Dogs
(2002)The α2-adrenoceptor agonists, medetomidine and xylazine, are widely used in veterinary practice as sedative, muscle relaxant and analgesic agents for different species. Although α2-agonists are multipotent drugs, they ... -
Opioids and opioids receptors in the rodent hippocampus: distribution, synaptology, and connection with the local GABAergic circuitry
(2002)Endogenous opioid peptides have been implicated as inhibitory peptides in the central nervous system. In the hippocampal formation, however opioids have an excitatory effect on principal neurons. A number of physiological ... -
A szív normális és pathológiás fejlődésének összehasonlító morfológiai vizsgálata: nyúlban, kutyában, sertésben és juhban
(2002)Munkám során összesen 30 anyanyúlból nyert 164 embryo anatómiai és szövettani módszerekkel történt vizsgálata alapján feltérképeztem a nyúl szívének embryonális fejlődését. A nyúlembryokról kapott adatokat összehasonlítva ... -
Some aspects of urogenital tract diseases of female breeding swine
(2002)Reproductive failure accounts for substantial losses in the swine industry worldwide. Urogenital tract infections are among the most important causes of reproductive failure. Studies performed in the framework of this ... -
Examinations on the antioxidant system in different species under physiological and pathological conditions
(2003)Free radical induced and mediated processes are present in a great variety of physiological and pathological pathways. The basic source of FR production is the respiratory chain where different oxygen derived free radicals ... -
Genetikai módszerek a vakcina-ellenőrzésben
(2003)Az állatgyógyászati vakcinák ártalmatlanságának, tisztaságának és idegen ágens mentességének biztosítása kiemelkedő fontosságú feladat. Az oltóanyag engedélyezési eljárása során a gyártó által előállított terméket az ... -
Kórtani elváltozásokból és környezeti mintákból származó Rhodococcus equi törzsek összehasonlító vizsgálata
(2003)A fiatal csikók R. equi okozta megbetegedése világszerte, így hazánkban is gyakran előforduló fertőző betegség. A csikókban leggyakrabban tályogképződéssel járó bronchopneumoniát, ritkábban bélgyulladást és egyéb kórképeket ... -
Determination of sopme cardiac dimensions and the position of the caudal lung border by unltrasonography and percussion in horses
(2003)In Chapter I normal echocardiographic values of healthy Standardbred trotters were established. Twenty-three clinically normal horses weighing between 350 and 490 kg were examined. Standardized two-dimensional (2D) and ... -
Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep
(2003)Accurate diagnosis of early pregnancy is a key factor for successful reproduction management in sheep farm. Among the numerous methods used for pregnancy diagnosis in sheep, a few methods can diagnosis early pregnancy. ... -
Fertőző eredetű szaporodási zavarok és vetélések vizsgálata kancákban
(2003)Magyarországon a kancák fertőző eredetű szaporodási zavarairól és fertőző eredetű vetéléseiről viszonylag kevés adat áll rendelkezésre. Kutatásaink célja az volt, hogy minél nagyobb számú mintán, a kórokozók minél szélesebb ...