Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Felszíni szennyvizekben megjelenő gyógyszerek és gyógyszermaradványok kimutatása csillós eukarióta modell-rendszerben
In this work the unicellular Tetrahymena pyriformis was studied for chemotaxis, phagocytosis, proliferation and chemotactic selection in the presence of different antibiotics and steroid hormones. This cell represents an ...
A Harrison-szabály és Poulin növekvő variancia elméletének tesztelése a Ricinidae és a Philopteridae tetűcsaládokban
A century ago Lancelot Harrison (1915) concluded that in host-parasite relationships a bigger host has bigger parasites than the small ones. This positive correlation, known as Harrison’s rule, was tested in many studies ...
Helyspecifikus mesterséges nukleáz használatán alapuló in vivo célzott génmódosítási technológiák kidolgozása egérben
In the past two decades rapid development occurred in the research methods of genetics and molecular biology and gentechnology was not an exception. The progression of gentechnology mainly caused by the accelerated research ...
A két oktávval megemelt (rágcsálók hallásához igazított) Mozart-szonáta hatása a patkányok tanulási képességére
In humans, the so-called „Mozart effect” is understood as an effect of music to improve learning capacity and sense of time and space. The animals' spatial learning and memory performance was tested in an 8-arm radial maze, ...
Csíráztatási protokoll kidolgozása herbáriumi maganyagokra
According to the human impact, the extinction rate of the species was increased. For such reason the protection of remained species and habitats came to focus but for such work the knowledge of biology and ecology of the ...
Patogén és apatogén nyálkaspórás (Myxozoa) fajok halon belüli fejlődésének összehasonlító vizsgálata
The topic of my thesis was the detection of developmental stages of Myxobolus cerebralis and Myxobolus pseudodispar, two myxosporean fish parasites (Myxozoa) in fish species with differing susceptibility using in vivo ...
A parlagi sas (Aquila Heliaca) és a pusztai sas (Aquila Nipalensis) hibridizációjának molekuláris vizsgálata
For a long time researcher investigate the question of hybridization, especially since the
molecular techniques have been improved. Due to these improvements it is possible to study it’s
effects and role in the evolutionary ...
Gyűrűsfarkú makik (Lemur Catta) kooperációja a dominancia, szociális és rokonsági viszonyok függvényében
The evolution of cooperation is a controversial part of behavioural biology. Hamilton‟s rule explains well the phenomenon of cooperation between related individuals (kin selection theory). Among non-related individuals ...
Drog rezisztens sejtek célzott elpusztítása és "átprogramozása" MDR-szelektív vegyületekkel
The efficacy of drugs used to treat malignancies is often hampered by the emergence of the so-called multidrug resistance (MDR). Cancer cells with MDR phenotype overexpress a transmembrane protein, P-glycoprotein (Pgp, ...
Hüllők és kétéltűek PCR-es szűrése adeno- és parvovírusokra, a szakállas agáma-adenovírus genomjának analízise
Adenoviruses can be found in every Vertebrate class. Family Adenoviridae has 5 accepted and one proposed genera. My work was focusing on Atadenovirus genus because this genus is thought to have coevolved with squamate ...