Now showing items 1-10 of 24
Fetal ultrasonography in large domestic animals
The starting point of the development of the ultrasonography can be traced back to the
early 1900s. In 1906 the Sonar, “Sound Navigation and Ranging”, was invented by the naval
architect Lewis Nixon (H.R.S. Sastry, D.D. ...
Genetics of scrapie susceptibility in females of tsigai breed
In this study we examined the prevalence of scrapie resistant and susceptible haplotypes
and genotypes in Hungarian Tsigai sheep. The reason for the study is to examine the
frequencies of the different genotypes, and to ...
Heat stress impact on the dairy cattle fertility
The increase of the ambient temperature has a negative effect; it is altering the
physiology of the reproductive system of the cow including the oocyte, granulose and the
theca cell, the developing embryo during the early ...
Evaulation of the growing performance of rare breed sheep
The Hungarian native Tsigai breed is an old, independent long-tailed sheep breed
originating in Asia Minor. The breed appeared in Hungary at the end of 18th century. After the
end of 19th century, significant breeding ...
The first two years of the GÁT system
This thesis is focused on the GÁT system of the Genetics and Breeding department. The GÁT
system is a computer based multiple choice exam used to test the students practical
knowledge. Students are graded from 1-5. After ...
Evaluation of lipase and amylase levels in the diagniostic investigation for the equine acute abdomen
The aim of this thesis was the evaluation of lipase and amylase levels in the diagnostic
investigation for the equine acute abdomen. A study dedicated to the usage of the pancreatic
enzymes in differential diagnosis, and ...
Overview of genetic disorders in sheep
There are a lot of different disorders that can be found in sheep, some more common than others. In Norway these disorders has been described in literature as common disorders: - Spider Lamb Syndrome (SLS) - Cryptorchidism ...
The latest trends in new breed formation and "crossbreeding" of dogs
Since the domestication of dogs they have undergone genetic changes. The first selection was
based on their abilities. Dogs that had strong powerful hind legs were used for races in the
desert, the obedient and herding ...
A muhar okozta szájelváltozások lovakban
A Hólyagos szájgyulladás (Vesicular stomatitis, VS) egy lovakban is előforduló, a Nemzetközi Állatjárványügyi Hivatal (Office International des Epizooties, OIE) besorolása szerint „A” listás vírusos betegség. A fertőzést ...
Genetics of osteochondrosis dissecans in Norwegian warm-blooded horses
The aim of the current thesis was to investigate Osteochondrosis dissecans (OCD) in Norwegian warm-blooded horses and explore potential genetic and epi-genetic influences on this disease.
A review of the literature ...