Now showing items 1-5 of 5
The effect of change in the treatment protocol of late pregnant dairy cows and their offspring
It may be concluded from the results of this study that the farming operation as a whole needs to be harmonized. The health of all the livestock on the farm is the highest priority for the farmer. Securing the health of ...
Control of calcium metabolism in dairy cows in the periparturient period
From the trials carried out, one can safely say that the calcium concentration drops drastically at parturition. For a small number of cows, clinical signs will be presented. The majority of cows fall victim to some degree ...
Control of ketosis in the periparturient dairy cow
Ketosis is a common ailment of the high producing dairy cow during lactation. From studying literature and texts, it is a recognised metabolic disease of cows during, and resulting from, the transition period. A number of ...
The Effect of the Different Synchronisation Protocols on the Reproductive Management in a Dairy Farm
Cows with an extended interval from calving to first ovulation (post partum period) have increased intervals from calving to conception and are more likely to be culled compared with cows with a short post partum period. ...
Baloldali oltógyomor-helyzetváltozás álló helyzetű laparoszkópos műtéteinek értékelése egy hazai tejhasznú tehenészetben
Munkánk során 2011. január 5. és 2012. augusztus 31. között műtöttünk bal oldali oltógyomor-helyzetváltozásban szenvedő teheneket (n=62) egy kelet-magyarországi tejtermelő gazdaságban. Célunk az volt, hogy felmérjük a ...