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Now showing items 1743-1762 of 3812
IBR mentesítés a Szarvasi Agrota-Alcsired Tejtermelő Kft. tehenészeti telepén
(2015)The improvement of animal health status of cattle herds has also got into the centre of attention internationally. The reason of this inter alia is that the majority of European countries have started eradication programs ... -
THE ICELANDIC HORSE Genetic predispositions and concerns.
(2021)The Icelandic horse is by size categorized as a pony and the breed is known for its breed purity, charismatic personality, extra gaits, compact and strong body type, easy keeping and its outstanding endurance ability. -
The Icelandic horse, breeding and diversity
(2011)The Icelandic horse is a very old, and one of the purest horse breeds in the world. They came to Iceland with the Vikings several centuries ago. It is the only horse breed on Iceland, and its purity is secured by a law ... -
Idegentestek kutyák és macskák emésztőtraktusában
(2021)My studies were aimed at retrospective analysis of the medical records of dogs (N=254) and cats (N=32) admitted to the Department of Surgery of the University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest between 2010 and 2021 with ... -
Identification and preliminary characterisation of fowl adenoviruses from field cases
(2010)The first member of the family Adenoviridae was discovered by accident in 1953. Since then, its members have been isolated from virtually every class of vertebrates, which makes it an unusually large and diverse virus ... -
Identification of a novel porcine adenovirus
(2010)In this research, we identified a probably novel porcine adenovirus (PAdV). Porcine adenoviruses belong to the genus Mastadenovirus in the family Adenoviridae. So far 5 serotypes have been accepted, PAdV types 1 to 5, and ... -
Identification of naturally occurring inhabitants of vaginal microbiota in cows and determination of their antibiotic sensitivity
(2022)Microbiota in the bodies of different species have a significant impact on the health status of the host. Most studies have focused on the microbiota of gut, skin, and mouth, and not too much research known about normal ... -
Igazságügyi célú molekuláris genetikai vizsgálatok a kutyák és farkasok elkülönítésére polimorf markerekalapján
(2022)Magas adaptációs képességének és nagy mozgékonyságának köszönhetően a szürke farkas (Canis lupusLinnaeus, 1758) hatalmas területeket képes bejárni és meghódítani. Ennek köszönhetően a taxon az északi féltekének szinte ... -
Igény szerinti tejitatás hatása a borjak egészségi állapotára
(2020)A jelenlegi gyakorlat szerint a borjak a születésük után egyedi ketrecben vannak elhelyezve és tejet vagy tejpótlót kapnak naponta két alkalommal (visszafogott takarmányozás). Emellett étvágy szerint, a telepek adott ... -
Ikerellett tehenek belső méhnyomásának jellemzői élettani és kóros puerpérium esetén
(2015)Az involúció a tejelő tehenek szaporodásbiológiai teljesítményét alapvetően meghatározza. Lefolyása sok tényező függvénye, és a tehenek méhmotilitása alapvető hatással lehet rá. Ezt kívántuk tanulmányozni ikerellést követően, ... -
Immune response to zinc oxide inhalation in metal fume fever, and the possible role of IL-17f
(Nature, 2023)Metal fume fever (MFF) is a work-related disease caused by the inhalation of metal particles, including zinc oxide. Chronic asthma may develop as a long-term consequence of exposure, particularly for welders and metal ... -
Immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia: A retrospective study of 45 dogs in Budapest, Hungary
(2021)Introduction: Immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia is an immune-mediated haematological disorder commonly seen in dogs. Autoantibodies are produced against antigens present in the membranes of red blood cells which results ... -
Immunodeficiencies and immune-mediated disorders in foals
(2015)From this theoretical review I can conclude that the basic understanding of the development and activation of the immune system is important because neonatal foals lack a functional adaptive immunity for a short period in ... -
Immunohistochemical detection of progesterone, progesterone receptor, estrogen receptor-alpha, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen, Caspase-3, Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 and P-glycoprotein in the canine endometrium
(2015)In this study immunohistochemistry was used to detect progesterone, progesterone receptor, estrogen receptor-α, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen, Matrix Metalloproteinase-9, Caspase-3 ... -
Immunohistochemistry examination using vimentin and smooth muscle actin on exotic animal tissues
(2016)Immunohistochemistry is useful in the identification, differentiation, and classification of tumors when normal histological examinations are not enough to make a diagnosis. In this study we have chosen to use vimentin and ... -
Immunomodulation of pathogen-host interactions
(2005)In this thesis we have reviewed the scientific literature related to the subject matters of our work. We have briefly summarized the literature of the innate immune response focusing on the research related to pathogen ... -
The impact of altered matriptase activity on cell viability and spheroid growth in 2 and 3D cell cultures
(2015)Anticancer drug research requires suitable cell model systems to accurately screen and develop new treatment options capable of acting against tumour growth and metastasis. Currently the most suitable models are live ... -
The Impact of Evolution and Lifestyle on the Cerebellar Microstructure
(2022)The cerebellum is the largest component of the hindbrain. It contains 80% of the total neurons of the brain and is a key part of the brains of vertebrate animals. It plays a role in coordination of controlled movement, ...